Friday, April 9, 2010

Prep Work for Flamingo Flocking

I have placed all 50 flamingos in the back of my parent's van.  At first I was going to attach all the legs together, then I realized that wasn't a very smart move.  It would take far too much space.  It's much easier for each student to attach 10 legs than it is for me to attach all 100 legs myself.  Also, I had originally failed to put the netting.  Bad idea cause when you open up the door... all those legless flamingos come flying out! 

So I tried to see how well the flamingos would stand on grass.  Looks pretty nifty, I think. :)

Yup ... if you want to get some flamingos for your own fundraiser, this is where you go.

This is the sign that we will be putting up to explain what we're doing.  If we bought "cylinders" from our sign company, it would have cost $20.  Since we're watching our pennies, I just bought two water bottles with a carabiner, both of them together just cost $8.76.  Yup, that's a savings of $11.24. 

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