Friday, April 23, 2010

The Flocking Continues ...

Well, the first house was easy enough to do.  The previous house that we flocked just wanted to flock the neighbor that was directly behind them.  So we went over and just walked over the flamingos. :) 

The other house was a little bit more tricky.  When we arrived, we noticed that the lights were on in one of the bedrooms and we were worried that we would be caught.  So we left in hopes that we would flock a different house that might not be so hard.  But after that failed, we went back to the house.

I sent one of the girls, Danielle, to check out whether or not she felt like we would be safe.  She gave us the go-ahead sign.  One of the other girls, Larissa and I hid ourselves behind a car and handed off the flamingos to the remaining girls to stake down.  As we were doing this, the neighbors watched it all take place.  It was one of the first most exciting flamingo flocking experiences that we had. 

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