Friday, April 23, 2010

Motion Sensored Lights ...

I had heard from my Area Director that one of the residents at this home had wished that his house would get flocked.  We made his dreams come true. :)  It was great because when we arrived at their home, all the lights were off which meant no one was home.  It was much easier to get the flocking done because usually they would have a good view of us with their big window facing us!

This house was really tricky.  We had attempted to flock this house earlier in the week, but we chickened out when we would walk and the neighbor's lights kept going on and off because they were motion sensored.  So that morning, I decided to talk to the neighbors to let them know what we were doing so they wouldn't be alarmed if they constantly saw their motion sensors going on and off.  It was mission accomplished!!! :)

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