Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I Can't Believe I Didn't Get Pictures!

I think it was the weather and how windy it was.  It made me completely spacey!!  I totally forgot to take a picture of the houses we did on Sunday night and they were pretty EPIC.  So it made me sad that I failed to take a photo.  The house that we did in Kirkland I think was never home.  I left them several different messages and never received a phone call back.  I need to call the family that requested them to be flocked and let them know that I don't think the people saw them.

The other house we did was a pretty awesome adventure.  The main thing that stuck out to me was the vehicle that for some reason kept his headlights on us the whole time.  I think he was just trying to say, "Hey, we see you!"  But I felt like running to their car and asking them to turn off the lights so our shadows wouldn't cast.  But that little obstacle made us feel more accomplished when the task was completed!

What was gross though was when I went to pick up the flamingos the next morning, I realize there was a lot of dog poop around.  Haha.  I was like, "That would have been AWFUL if we had been rolling around in that!"

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