Friday, April 23, 2010

Flamingo Facebook Updates

I figured one of the ways to know if we made people smile is to see what they write on their Facebook updates.  I'm not FB friends with all of them and some people don't have FB, that's why I don't have examples from every person.

House #1 stated on her status: SO, check out my profile page, and you'll see pictures of what happened at OUR house last night! We got FLAMINGO-ED!!!! SURE is pretty.....thanks to all our dear Young Life Friends! Happy Day to all....gotta love this SUN!!! ♥  

House #1 provided pictures and wrote this: So, we wake up this morning,l to find this delightful group of beautiful birds in our yard, just WAITING for us to be up and around! Our Young Life friends must have been BUSY last night!!!!

House #3 stated on his status (BTW, he made the flocking his default pic):  Good day: Got Flamingo Flocked by YL

House #24 provided pictures and wrote this: We woke up to a yard filled with Pink Flamingo courtesy of Cooper's Young Life friends! It was so funny when the little girl I watch saw them this morning, she had to name them all! :)

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